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Producing Clean & Best Quality Legumes



A common and traditional definition of Agro-processing industry refers to the subset of manufacturing that processes raw materials and intermediate products derived from the agricultural sector. The role of Agro-industry as a sector of the economy has multiple facets and changes in the course of development. In the early stages of growth, industrial processing of agricultural products tends to be limited to a few export crops, while the majority of agricultural products are consumed after minimal forms of processing that are performed entirely within the agricultural sector. At Bamak Trading PLC., we have a full Agro-processing plant which allows us to offer the market clear and clean products such as: lentils, peas, beans and so on...

Some Of Our Products


We are on the verge of achieving our most significant goal yet, to expand our Agro-processing industry by producing more clean and clear quality products which will stay competitive in the market as well as all over the world. Our products include lentils, peas, and beans. We are always looking forward to helping our clients and consumers to the best of our products.